Thursday, November 28, 2019

Dulce Et Decorum Est - Critical Analyisis Essays -

Dulce et Decorum Est - Critical Analyisis It is sweet and meet to die for ones country ,better known as ?Dulce et Decorum Est? is a great poem written by war poet Wilfred Owen.It involves a tragic war situation.It is easily understood.The poem also has a very unique sound to it. Wilfred Owen was born on March 18th in 1893.He was the eldest of four children born in Oswestry.He was brought up in the Anglican religion of the Evangelical school.An evangelical man is saved not by the good he does but by faith he has in redemin power of christs sacrafice. He rejected most of his belief by 1913, the influence of his education remains visible in his poems and their themes:Sacraifice biblical language,and his discription of hell. In 1913 he moved to Bordeaux ,as a teacher of english in the Berlitz School of language:one year later he was a private teacher in a prosperous family in the Pyrenees. He enlisted in the Artists Rifles on the 21st of october 1915 there followed 14 months training in England.He was drafted to France in 1917 the worst war winter.His total war experience will be a short four months,from which only five weeks in the front line.On this is based all his war poetry. In August 1918,after his friend, the other great war poet ,Sigfried Sassoon had been severly injured and sent back to England,Owen returned to france war was stll as horrid as before.The butchery war ended on November 11th, 1918 at 11 o clock.Seven days before, Owen had been killed in one of the last vain battles of this war. The situation of ?Dulce et Decorum est?is a tragic situation.The poems speaker is Wilfred Owen.He is a soldier who is sent into the front lines of battle.There is not a particular audience that he is looking for. The occasion is the cold winter war in the trenches.It is men fighting for their country and dying for an honor.The poem takes place on a cold day in 1917.It is outside on the Western Front in France.The poem is telling you about the hard ships that the soldiers went through. The theme of the poem is about trench warfare.Owen is hurling the pain into the readers face.The pain of this piece writing is its truth.This is something that poet saw and experienced.This sets the serious tone for the poem. The poem starts by telling you the soldiers had a long walk back to their camp and to safety and they were oblivius to the fighting.Then it tells you about a gas attack and how the men are scrambling to prepare. Then he sees his friend dying and is not able to help him.he watches his friend die in pain.Next it talks about how his friend died for his country.I basically see this poem as a soldier telling you about one of the probly many situations that he has been through. In ?Dulce Et Decorum Est?Wilfred Owen reacts to the war by turning conventional poetic technique into some thing that appears to be normal on the surface but in reality is tainted and corrupted.The poem is written in Iambic Pentamenter.The sound in the poem makes you feel like you are right there watching the guy die from the gas.Dulce et Decorum est has a conventional form.It ryhmes well enough following ABAB,CDCD etc pattern. The most important means of developing the effectiveness of the poem is the graphic imagery. They evoke such emotions so as to cause people to become sick. The images can draw such pictures that no other poetic means can, such as in line twenty-two: "Come gargling from the froth corrupted lungs." This can be disturbing to think about. It shows troops being brutally slaughtered very vividly, evoking images in the reader's mind. In the beginning of the poem the troops were portrayed as "drunk with fatigue." With this you can almost imagine large numbers of people dragging their boots through the mud, tripping over their own shadow. Later in the poem when the gas was dropped, it painted a psychological image that would disturb the mind. The troops were torn out of their nightmarish walk and surrounded by gas bombs. How everyone, in "an ecstasy of fumbling" was forced to run out into the mist, unaware of their fate. Anyone wanting to fight in a war would become nervous at the image of himself running out into a blood bath. The graphic images displayed here are profoundly affecting and can never be forgotten. The poem ties it all together in the last few lines. In Latin, the phrase "Dulce et decorum est pro partria mori" means: "It is sweet and becoming to die

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Role of Guest Workers in the American Economy

The Role of Guest Workers in the American Economy The United States has more than a half-century’s experience with dealing with guest-worker programs. The first dates back to the World War II-era Bracero Program that allowed Mexican laborers to come to the U.S. to work on the nation’s farms and railroads.   Simply put, a guest-worker program allows a foreign worker to enter the country for a specified period of time to fill a specific job. Industries with surges in labor needs, such as agriculture and tourism, often hire guest workers to fill seasonal positions. The Basics   A guest worker must return to his homeland after  the term of his temporary commitment has expired.  Technically, thousands of  U.S. non-immigrant visa holders  are guest workers. The government gave out  55,384 H-2A visas  to temporary agriculture workers in 2011, which helped U.S. farmers deal with seasonal demands that year. Another 129,000 H-1B visas went out to workers in â€Å"specialty occupations† such as engineering, math, architecture, medicine and health. The government also gives out a maximum 66,000 H2B visas to foreign workers in seasonal, non-agricultural jobs. The Bracero Program Controversy   Perhaps the most controversial U.S. guest-worker initiative was the Bracero Program that ran from 1942 through 1964. Drawing its name from the Spanish word for â€Å"strong arm,† the Bracero Program brought millions of Mexican workers into the country to compensate for labor shortages in the U.S. during World War II. The program was poorly run and poorly regulated. Workers were often exploited and forced to endure shameful conditions. Many simply abandoned the program, migrating to the cities to become part of the first wave of post-war illegal immigration. The abuses of Braceros provided inspiration for a number of folk artists and protest singers during the period, including Woody Guthrie and Phil Ochs. Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez started his historic movement for reform  in response to the abuses suffered by the Braceros. Guest-Worker Plans in Comprehensive Reform Bills Critics of guest-worker programs argue that it’s virtually impossible to run them without widespread worker abuses. They contend that the programs are inherently given to exploitation and to  creating an under-class of servile workers, tantamount to legalized slavery. In general, guest-worker programs arent meant for  highly skilled workers or for  those with advanced college degrees. But despite past problems, the expanded use of guest workers was  a key aspect of the  comprehensive immigration reform legislation  that Congress considered for much of the last decade. The idea was to give U.S. businesses a steady, reliable stream of temporary labor in exchange for tighter border controls to keep illegal immigrants out. The Republican National  Committee’s 2012 platform called for creating guest-worker programs to satisfy the needs of U.S. businesses. President George W. Bush made the same proposal in 2004. Democrats have been reluctant to  endorse the programs because of the past abuses, but their resistance waned when faced with President Barack  Obama’s strong desire to get a comprehensive reform bill passed in his second term. President Donald Trump has said that he wants to limit foreign workers.   The National Guestworker Alliance   The National Guestworker Alliance (NGA) is a New Orleans-based membership group for guest  workers. Its goal is to organize workers across the country  and to prevent exploitation. According the  NGA,  the group seeks to â€Å"partner with local workers  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  employed and unemployed  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  to strengthen U.S. social movements for racial and economic justice.†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Inside job movie by charles ferguson Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Inside job by charles ferguson - Movie Review Example The first part (How We Got There) talks about the high deregulation of Iceland in 2000 and how it its banks became privatized. The world and Iceland thus plunged into a global recession following the collapse of the AIG and the bankruptcy of the Lehman Brothers. The first part shows how deregulation created corruption where several home owners, for instance, were granted loans they could never settle. The second part (The Bubble) is the period from 2001 to 2007 which saw a housing boom like none other where speculators would purchase credit default swaps and bet against collateralized debt obligations they did not own. As the AAA rated investments sky rocketed, the third part (The Crisis) highlights how the CDO markets collapsed with investment banks left with huge loans and real estates and CDOs they were unable to unload. The recession then ensued in November 2007 with Bear Streans going bankrupt in March 2008. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (both on the brink of collapse) were seized by the federal government as others such as AIG, Lehman Brothers, Chrysler and GM collapsed or became bankrupt. Foreclosures hence soared in the United States with the world’s financial system creeping to the depths of its grave. In part IV (Accountability) the government continues bail outs, banks start to gain power again as top executives walk away from their insolvent organizations. In the fifth part (Where We Are Now) many employees in factories have since been retrenched amid weak financial reforms from the administration of President

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

CRR-2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CRR-2 - Essay Example This approach, according to (Davis and McKay 1996, p. 100) first of all recounts the oppositions views, and also to help construct the writers own position. After having registered his stance, Howard delves right into the point of the argument he likes to defend by reiterating Deegans concern "what did my son die?" (Howard 2002, p.11). In fact at this point Howard continues with his pathos by registering contingent emotions through the description of the Islamic fanatics who bombed Bali using terms like "despise", "liberal", "open life of western nations" and "violent murder" to appropriate orientation between himself and the audience (Cockcroft & Cockcroft 1992, p.40; Hughes 1990, p. 33). By addressing Deegans concerns one by one Howard logically defends and establishes his ethos (the concept personality and stance as introduced by Aristotle). As a reader since we do not have any preconceive idea as to his character or emotions, these lines establish his personality as sympathetic, logical and as concerned as any Australian citizen (his audience). The essence of Howards argument lies in his statement that Australia is publicly and closely associated with the US since September 11, 2001 because of security reasons. However, in the next five to six paragraphs, Howard digresses from his stance. While he manages to use facts to establish logos, the "process of judgement" (Cockcroft and Cockcroft 1992, p. 10), he does not effectively make a case for his argument. According to Bakhtin (Andrews 1992, p.8), argument principles involve internal dialogic quality of discourse" which means both the sender and receiver must understand the elements of logic in an argument. In these paragraphs Howard digress from his logic, which loses the appeal he established at the beginning of the letter, thereby reduces his credibility. The loss of credibility is also because of Howards inability to find the correct analogy to defend his

Monday, November 18, 2019

Exotic Flowers Ltd Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exotic Flowers Ltd - Coursework Example The negative cash flows at the end of each month are a worrying sign for any business but these can be financed by either some short-term financing or long-term financing method. The short-term financing method would include the small bank loans such as overdraft facilities offered by the banking institutions to its clients on a regular basis. Through the overdraft facility, the bank offers some amount to its client and that amount has to be paid off by the client within a short span of time usually 12 months. The long-term financing would include a loan which would be repayable after a long period of time usually 10 years or more but this sort of long term financing would cost more because the banks or the financial institutions would charge higher interest for a longer period of time. The best suitable financing mode for Exotic Flowers Ltd would be to use short term financing facilities such as overdraft facility that would hold little interest charge and the company would be able to repay it as soon as they end up having a positive cash flow. Based on the cash flow results, Adam and Tom should continue with the proposed plan of starting Exotic Flowers Ltd even though the business gives a negative cash flow in the opening year of the business. The business turns into a profitable venture in the second year of operation and the profits are considered to grow at a good rate. This growth in the profit and the revenue suggests that the market for the flower business is a very profitable and growing market and until and unless any stiff competition is faced, the company would grow extensively. The negative balances in the opening year of the business operation and the first month of the second year would have to be financed through short term

Friday, November 15, 2019

Secure Encounter-based Mobile Social Networks

Secure Encounter-based Mobile Social Networks ABSTRACT: Encounter-based social networks and encounter-based systems link users who share a location at the same time, as opposed to the traditional social network paradigm of linking users who have an offline friendship. This new approach presents challenges that are fundamentally different from those tackled by previous social network designs. In this paper, we explore the functional and security requirements for these new systems, such as availability, security, and privacy, and present several design options for building secure encounter-based social networks. To highlight these challenges we examine one recently proposed encounter-based social network design and compare it to a set of idealized security and functionality requirements. We show that it is vulnerable to several attacks, including impersonation, collusion, and privacy breaching, even though it was designed specifically for security. Mindful of the possible pitfalls, we construct a flexible framework for secure encounter-base d social networks, which can be used to construct networks that offer different security, privacy, and availability guarantees. We describe two example constructions derived from this framework, and consider each in terms of the ideal requirements. Some of our new designs fulfill more requirements in terms of system security,reliability, and privacy than previous work. We also evaluate real-world performance of one of our designs by implementing a proof-of-concept iPhone application called MeetUp. Experiments highlight the potential of our system and hint at the deployability of our designs on a large scale EXISTING SYSTEM: Early work assumed that the parties could communicate over a public but authenticated channel or, equivalently, assumed a passive adversary. This assumption was relaxed in later work, which considered an active adversary who could modify all messages sent between the two parties.In the Traditional Social network site present a dra-matically different set of challenges, not the least of which are security and privacy of users and authenticity of the other party in a conversation. Guarantees that are trivial in traditional social networks, such as authenticity (ensuring one is com-municating with the desired person), become open problems in encounter-based networks. Additionally, requirements like anonymity—a feature that is not needed in most traditional online social networks based on prior face-to-face contact— need to be considered in encounter-based networks. This is desirable because users would expect information about people they happen to meet to stay private. Fu rthermore, since people do not automatically place their trust in others simply based on presence in the same location, it is also desirable to reveal the minimum amount of information required for future secure communication. Sharing detailed personal information is not the primary goal of encounter-based networks, but can of course be easily implemented if both users agree upon the successful verified encounter.. PROPOSED SYSTEM: In proposed system we consider fundamental requirements for encounter-based social networks. We note that in addition to basic functionality like high availability, scalability, and robustness to failure, these systems should provide several security guarantees, including privacy in the form of unlinkability of users sharing an encounter, confidentiality of data exchanged among encounter participants, and authentication of both users in a two-party conversation. We construct a flexible frame-work for secure encounter-based social networks, which can be used to construct networks that offer different security, privacy , and availability guarantees. We describe two example constructions derived from this framework, and consider each in terms of the ideal requirements. Some of our new designs fulfill more requirements in terms of system security, reliability, and privacy than previous work. The first experience of interaction you want to provide an incoming user are the updates and responses about his activity in the system. This keeps the user updated about what’s going on in here. Although encounter-based systems appear very analogous to existing social networks, they present a considerably different set of challenges, out of which are security and privacy of users and authenticity of the other party in a conversation are important. Assurances that are trivial in traditional social networks, such as authenticity (ensuring one is communicating with the desired person), become unwrapped problems in encounter-based networks. Additionally, requirements like obscurity—a feature that is not needed in most usual online social networks based on prior face-to-face contact—need to be considered in encounter-based networks. This is desirable because users would look forward for information about people they happen to meet to stay private. Also, since people do not automatically place their faith in others simply based on presence in the same location, it is also desirable to disclose the minimum amount of information required for future secure communication . Sharing complete personal information is not the primary goal of encounter-based networks, but can of-course be easily put into practice if both users agree upon the successful verified encounter. we consider basic requirements for encounter-based social networks in addition to basic functionality like high availability, scalability, privacy security. We propose specific design architecture for encounter-based social network. In this architecture suggest two possible implementation, each conspicuous a balance between performance and security. To highlights of challenges it was designed for specifically secure centralized server. ARCHITECTURE: MODULES: Privacy or unlink ability. The privacy of two parties sharing an encounter must be protected, even from others in the vicinity who may also participate in simultaneous encounters. In this case, privacy means that an external adversary (even one taking part in the encounter or colluding with a â€Å"bulletin board† or rendezvous server to be used in latter phase) who is not one of the two users of interest should not be able to conclusively determine that two users have made a connection. Authenticity Meaning that when two users decide to make a connection, they should be assured that messages indeed originate from each other. Confidentiality Meaning that information exchanged between two users should be accessible only to them. Availability. As such, the infrastructure to exchange encounter information should be accessible most of the time. The unavailability of individual users should not affect the availability of other users. Since the time at which encounter parties check for potential encounters associated with their activities could be arbitrary, the encounter-based social network is more sensitive to availability than conventional social networks. Scalability. With typical social networks being large in size, any potential social network design, including those based on encounters, should scale to support a large number of simultaneous users. This requires minimizing dependence on a centralized entity.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: essays research papers

The story, To Kill a Mockingbird is a very fine novel which exemplifies the life in the south and the human rights and values given to everybody. The book especially took the case of prejudice to a serious extreme. From the title, a mockingbird through the eyes of Harper Lee, is a person who has fallen victim to vicious stereotypes. The title To Kill a Mockingbird explains itself quite clearly in the end of the novel when Tom Robinson, one of the mockingbirds, is killed due to the stereotypes dumped upon him. Often, the use of stereotypes just breaks down the real truth of a person.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When stereotypes of Boo are used, the truth is often obscured. 'You'll get killed if you touch that tree';(pg 38) This quote reveals that the two siblings felt that Boo was a harmful person because of false rumors. Stereotypes are easily picked up, and used to horrible extreme when a large majority of people use them. This was the case with Scout and Jem when they picked up on the stereotypes going around the neighborhood about Boo. 'When I got there, my breeches were all folded and sewn up';(pg 63) When Boo sewed Jem's breeches together, this was a sign from Boo to let the children realize what a kind and pleasant man he really was. Also, Boo was considerate enough to save Jem from a couple of whippings, because after all, if Atticus were to see the torn pants he would have known Jem was the culprit in the Radley's yard. 'You were so busy looking at the fire, you didn't notice Boo behind you';(pg 76) This was also a symbol which Boo shared to let the kids slowly realize the truth about him, that he was an innocuous caring person hiding behind a fading shadow. Boo just wanted to be seen as the real him instead of the horrid stereotypes which deformed his image.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Misconceptions are results of prejudice in Jehovah's Witnesses' case. When they come strolling up people's street, the first reactions to the neighborhood is to lock the door. They lock their doors because they hear the jokes and prejudice against Jehovah's Witness which puts the thought in people's minds that Jehovah's Witness is just a joke. On the other hand, many are already faithful followers to their own religion and don't want to waste the time listening to a mini sermon.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Strategic Aims and Objectives for Businesses

Setting up strategic aims and objectives is very helpful for the business, so that they will be able to measure their progress towards their stated goals for a particular business period of time. Aims indicate where the business wants to be in the future, whereas objectives set a clearly defined target for the business. For Merlin Entertainment business, their aim and objective is to be one of the leading entertainments in the world; just like what others aim to be. This aim can then be broken down into objectives. Their objective is to give the people the good service with a very low cost; to increase sales and at the same time meet the customers’ satisfaction. In business, a good set of objectives should be SMART:Specific – the objective must be clearly stated and focused. Measurable – in order for thee business to see how it is performing against its objectives, it needs to be able to quantify its performance. Achievable – for an objective to be useful, it needs to be something that the business is in a position to achieve. Realistic – it is no good for a business to set itself unrealistic goals because it will inevitably fail; this is bad for morale, and worse for share prices. Time-related – the objectives must be related to a timescale, otherwise there will be no real impetus behind the objective and measurements of the performance will be unreliable.For Merlin Entertainment, their objective is specific, being one of the leading entertainments in the world, it is easy to understand and everyone can tell that they have been successful in achieving it since in the beginning. Their objective is also measurable, within the period of time the growth of the number of people going to the Thorpe Park can said to be increasing as the year goes by, even when the year of the recession. There you can tell that it is progressing and is so close to their objective.Objective is achievable, many people already know about it and t hey enjoy going there. It is not impossible to achieve their objective to be the world’s leading entertainment since they provide good service and satisfactory. It is also realistic, it is already happening and everyone can tell that they are close in achieving their objectives. Being the best entertainment in the world can  be real if they continue to perform good services to the people and they maintain their good reputation. And lastly, the objective must be time-related, they should take into consideration that a deadline is also included so to make the objective measurable. That is the reason why the Merlin Entertainment has a clear understanding of their objectives to be aware of their roles and responsibilities in achieving them.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Effective Communication Methods

Effective Communication Methods Methods of Communications for Internal and Externals Groups Communication is regarded as the process by which individuals send and receive thoughts, ideas as well as feelings in a manner in which the recipient comprehends the message in its intended form. Thus, communication is taken as a two way process where the binding force is assumed to be the feedback loop. Communication can be done verbally or in writing. In most instances, official communications are done in writing because of documentation purposes. On the other hand, most informal communications are done orally. For effective communication to take place, it is important for the communicating parties to make sure that the receiver clearly understands the message and gives a feedback. Failure of the receiver to provide a feedback breaks the communication loop and communication cannot be sustained any longer. However, when the receiver communicates back, the communication is taken as a two way communication which is essential for communication. Communication can be categorized into three main categories. Communication can be classified as verbal communication that entails both spoken and written communication. The second one is non-verbal communication that includes body language and finally communicating through listening.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Communication Methods specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Verbal communication is taken as the process that individual’s use to express their ideas, thoughts or feelings verbally. It is commonly regarded as the spoken language. Individuals use enunciation, words choices, pauses, tone, emphasis and loudness in order to enhance verbal communication. Some examples of verbal communications include: telephone conversations, radio, face-to-face discussions, voicemail, seminars, recorded books as well as videos. Similarly, speakers who use sign languages are also considered to be communicating verbally. In a wider context, verbal communication encompasses written word. Thus, written communications such as letters, books, newspapers, hand written notes, announcements and emails are also taken as examples of verbal communications. The best effective method of verbal communication is face-to-face communication. In face-to-face communication, the receiver gets the relayed message immediately and provides an instant feedback. The method is considered as being highly effective because of its efficiency as well as the ability of the sender to assess the receiver body language (Cherry, 2012). Non –verbal communications accounts for a substantial portion of our day-to-day communications. Some common examples of non-verbal communications include; gestures, facial expressions and handshakes. Deliberate body movements are instrumental in inferring certain meanings. Waving, use of fingers to indicate certain numerical values as well as pointing are some commonly used gestures. Facial expressions accounts for the greatest forms of no-verbal communications. Despite the variation in non-verbal communications across culture, it is noted that facial expressions for happiness, anger, sadness and fear are universal globally (Willey, 2012). Listening which is considered as the third method of communication can be grouped into three types: passive, active and reflective listening. Active listening is the most effective form of listening because apart from the regular listening, the listener encourages the person who shares the information.Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Active listening is instrumental in building strong relationships as it expresses genuine interests. In situations where there is a main speaker, passive listening is the best since the speaker does all the speaking and the audience the listening. Reflective l istening is considered as the best form of communication when someone is frustrated, worried, upset or confused. It mainly acknowledges feelings over content (Bennett Hess, 2007). Analyzes of the Methods for the Case Scenario In order to succeed in establishing the required community policing, there must exist effective communications across all stakeholders that are involved in this project. Because of the existing politics in the internal and external groups, it is essential to ensure that appropriate communication methods are adopted. The group that is spearheading this project should ensure that it engages all the internal departments involved in the implementation of the project to an active listening. The managements should listen actively to the challenges they are encountering and encourage them to propose solutions on how the management can help them overcome the problems. Alternatively, the management can request the complaining factions to write a letter that explains th eir reasons of dissatisfaction and give recommendations on the way forward. The management should read the letters and write back to the groups consoling them for the challenges they are encountering and explaining to them on how the management can intervene to assist them. The management can also organize a seminar/ meeting where all the parties involved in the project will meet and have a face-to-face discussion about the project. The management should make sure that it assumes the role of active listening in order to show genuine interest to parties contributing. Similarly, it should use gestures such as nodding the head, smile or frown accordingly to indicate how they are being affected by the information being provided by the parties’ contributing. In addition, the management should engage in reflective listening in instances where the parties contributing are expressing their dissatisfactions, worry and dismay. The management on the other hand should appoint a key speak er who is very conversant with community policing that pertain to drug issues. The speaker should be given the hand written notes of all the issues raised by the represents of the community and departments. The speaker should then conclude the meeting by educating the group about the benefits that both the government departments as well as the community at range will enjoy by implementation of the community policy. In addition, the speaker should address how the management will cater for the worries and frustrations of affected groups (Davidson, 2000).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Communication Methods specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In order to have effective communication in the groups involved, the management should adopt various strategies of communications. Because the community concerned is composed of low- income earners, there is a high possibility that most of the residents in the area are not highly educated. Therefore, the managements overseeing the project should organize seminars at religious centers or in surrounding schools and invite appropriate professionals who will educate the community about the benefits of establishing community policies. In addition, the managements should request the professionals invited to prepare booklets that they will be given to those attending the seminar. The booklet should contain detailed information about community policing. It should explain how community policies are established as well as indicate the benefits they bring to affected societies. The booklet will be used to educate the residents who will not get the opportunity to attend the about the benefits of community policies. Best course of action Effective use of communication methods is essential in ensuring successful communications. The management that is overseeing the implementation of the community policing is being faced with its challenges for lack of appropriate communication strategies. Therefore, the management will succeed in its mission by adopting effective communications such as use of seminars, face-to-face discussions, gestures, active, passive and reflective listening as well as ensuring to give feedbacks to sustain the communication loop. Use of booklets should also be used to educate the public about the importance of community policies. Reference List Bennett, W. W. Hess, K. M. (2007). Management and supervision in law enforcement  (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Cherry, K. (2012).Types of Nonverbal Communications. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Davidson, M. (2000). Effective Communication Methods. New York: Prentice Hall. Willey, J. (2012). Methods of Communication. Web.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Our Town Symbolism Essays

Our Town Symbolism Essays Our Town Symbolism Paper Our Town Symbolism Paper Essay Topic: Our Town We see through her experiences the way of life and how It ties In with Wielders themes of his play. Throughout the play we see three acts that depict days of the town of Groves Corners In different years. In the first act Emily Is still In school, she lives out her day Like a regular American girl by going to school, coming home, eating dinner with her family, talking with boys, etc. She ends her day looking at the stars before she sleeps. In the second act she has grown into a young woman and is now getting married to the boy next door, she seems to be a typical bride by getting cold feet before the adding and have emotional thoughts, through the end of the second act she ends up married and running off with her husband to who knows where. Finally in the third act, Emily is being put to rest; she has passed away during childbirth. We see Emily depicted as a spirit hoping to relive her life, but in the end she learns to acknowledge that she is dead and now must wait for her eternal life to begin. Wilder uses Emily lifespan to express his theme of life and death represented like the time of day. He starts often play in Emily young years which begins in the morning and n the end of the play, which is act three, sets off in her funeral where the play ends at night. The way Wilder explains in his play is that everything has an end like life and death, Wilder parallels it with day and night to show his meaning of beginnings and endings. Another theme Thornton Wilder uses in his play is the need for Human Companionship. Emily experiences in this theme are similar to the one before just that this time, shows the need of companionship with another. Every time we heard the hymn Blessed Be the Tie That Binds, Emily is somewhere with George her Cubans. This hymn was a symbol that shows that Wilder considers the human nature for the need of companionship a gift he may even have considered It sacred. The hymn is used each time Emily and George shared a moment together, for example In act one when the hymn was sung It was when Emily and George shared there conversation by their windows, In the second act the hymn was sung when Emily and George where wedded, and In the third act the hymn was sung when Emily was being burled and Joining the dead, leaving George behind. The verse of the hymn means that blessed Is tie that binds those two together, since they shared a life together. Wielders need for Employs companionship Is a showing that In human nature we all need a companion that one too walk with us through life. To finish, Wielders final theme would be to cherish every moment of life. As we see n AC tender, Emily In near split Tort tries to go Deck to ten past Ana relive a nappy day of her life, but she cannot handle it because all the emotions are too much for her that they overwhelm her. As she goes back to sit with the dead she realizes that hen they warned her that she shouldnt try to relive her past that its too late for her to cherish that moment. All she can do now is to wait for her eternal life and as she does so, she sees George crying at her grave. When the dead see this they feel no apathy for the man since they think he is Just wasting his life. Wielders point is that no matter what happens cherish every moment of your life and never let nothing hold you back, the loved ones that you lose do not mourn for them for they would not want you to, they would rather you Just cherish the moments you had with them and onetime on with your life. Since you only have one life and you should make the best of it. In conclusion, Wielders themes reflect off the lives of people and represent human nature in their own way. Life and Death, Human Companionship, the Value of Life all reflect on us, and Wilder uses this play to give us a push in the right direction and to step out of that cloud of ignorance that he talks about in the third act. Our Town is a play of life and is a great literature reading for the twenty-first century. Maybe he was right this book is a time-capsule to the past to show how people really cherished life.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The US presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The US presidency - Essay Example Any sane resident of the United States knows for sure that the history of presidential authority had known 44 American presidents, that the first U.S. president was George Washington, "the father of all Americans," who ruled the country from 1789 to 1797, that the current State President, Barack Hussein Obama, was elected in 2009 from the Democratic Party and is the 44th the president, in general, and the first black leader in the states’ history. The past twentieth century presented the United States with Vivid, unforgettable leaders. In the face of the presidents of the twentieth century, from William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, at the beginning of last century, to George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993) and William Jefferson Clinton (1993-2001) at the end, the state had talented, intelligent, energetic leaders. However, their acts were not always beneficial for the state and sometimes brought evil and suffering to peoples all over the world. This paper will discuss two leaders of the American people, who were destined to govern the largest state in the world in a bygone age, democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson (1963-1969) and republican Richard Milhous Nixon (1969-1974). Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973) began his political career in 1931 as secretary of Congressman R. Kleberg. By 1948, held the chair of senator and in 1955, he became the first leader of the Democratic Party. In 1960, Johnson decided to run for president. However, an election victory in 1960 was won by John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1961-1963), and Johnson preceded the powers of the Vice President on January 20, 1961. In 1963, Kennedy was assassinated on the 22 of November, and since that day Johnson began to serve as president. The end of the presidency of Lyndon Johnson was the 20th of January, 1969, when Nixon was inaugurated. After this event, the 36th U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson went to his ranch in Texas. He dropped out of high policy, wrote memoirs, and occasionally lectured at the University of Texas. He died on January 22, 1973, in his hometown of Stonewall of a third heart attack, caused by long smoking (Evans & Novak 1964). Richard Milhous Nixon's (1913-1994) became the youngest partner in the oldest law firm of Whittier’s "Wingert and Bewley" after graduating the Law School at Duke University in Durham (North Carolina) in 1934. And at age of 26 - became the youngest trustee of Whittier College. In August, 1942, he became a lieutenant of the Navy. He served as an officer in the aviation ground services in the Pacific. He was retired from the army in 1946 with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. In 1946, Nixon became a congressman. In 1950 - a senator. During the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961), Richard Nixon served as vice president. Eisenhower delegated much more power to his vice president, contrary to any of his predecessors. Nixon attended the majority of meetings between the president and the Cabinet of Ministers or Congress ional leaders. When being a chairman of the Presidential Commission for Public Contracts, Nixon took much pain to eliminate discriminatory hiring system. As a chairman of the Committee for Economic Development under the Cabinet of Ministers, he played an important role in ceasing the strike of steel workers in 1959. In three cases (1955, 1956 and 1957) he assumed the administrative functions of the president (during President’

Friday, November 1, 2019

Community Health Nurse Roles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Community Health Nurse Roles - Essay Example Due to the loss of renal functions, there are other conditions that develop which compound the problem making it hard for family members to take care of such a patient at home without serious healthcare support from hospitals. Such complications include anemia, acidosis: a condition where there is a lot of acid in the body fluids, high blood pressure, bone diseases, general cholesterol and fatty acids disorders( Couzos, 2004, pp.186-189; Deeble, 2003). It is medically known that such patients do require constant healthcare support which in many cases consists of constant monitoring, testing, and treatment through dialysis and in many cases these patients require on time kidney transplants (Australian Nursing Federation, 2009, pp.2-12). The problem of renal failure within the Australian aboriginal people has been attributed to many factors. However, the most outstanding and astonishing of all factors is the issue of inequality that exists within the Australian community based on certain aspects of society such as resource mobilization and distribution, basic human needs and rights provision, access to education and professional training, participation in national building, economic factors, social segregation and generally all forms of discriminative practices that have historically categorised these people as second-class citizens ( Couzos, 2004, pp.186-189; Deeble, 2003). This paper seeks to address the Community Health Nurse Roles and skills that are required to improve equity and access to Renal Healthcare for Australian Aboriginal peoples from a population health perspective. This is in response to the problems that have affected the aboriginals for many years without concrete approaches being put in place to address them. Primary health care refers to essential health care that is basic and is based on scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods combined with technology; is practically given, universally available and accessible to all individuals and families in a given community who need it(WHO, 2006).